BAM and WSS adapter have conflicting requirements for 64 bit machine. BAM needs 32 bit IIS and WSS 3.0 needs 64 bit IIS. To make matters further complex, it is not possible to host 32 bit IIS and 64 bit IIS on same 64 bit machine. So how can Biztalk communicate with a MOSS server running on 64 bit machine? Following configuration makes this possible:
1) Enable 32 bit IIS on the 64 bit machine by running following command:
cscript %SystemDrive%\inetpub\AdminScripts\adsutil.vbs set w3svc/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1
(1 means “true” and 0 means “false”)
2) Now, IIS is 32 bit and follow standard BAM configuration steps.
3) Install WSS 2.0 SP2 on the Biztalk machine to enable configuring WSS adapter. Also, configure WSS adapter on MOSS machine that hosts WSS 3.0
4) To install WSS 2.0, register ASP.Net 2.0 (32 bit version) from “Windows\Framework” folder by running aspnet_regiis.exe –i
5) Download and install WSS 2.0 SP2
6) Install WSS 2.0 in server farm mode and then create and extend the website. This website will host the WSS adapter.
7) When installing WSS 2.0 on clustered machine, use option “Join existing …”
8) Run Biztalk Configuration wizard and configure WSS adapter on Biztalk machine.
9) Run Biztalk Configuration Wizard on MOSS machine and configure adapter there.
10) Make the AppPool Account that is running WSS 2.0 website a member of SharePoint Group and SharePoint Site Collection on MOSS machine hosting WSS 3.0.
When WSS is configured, it creates BTSharePointAdapterWS. WSS adapter uses this web service to communicate with MOSS form libraries, lists and document libraries. This service need not be running on Biztalk machine but it should be running on MOSS machine for proper communication back and forth.